In his first days in office President Biden shut down the nation's vast public lands and waters, citing worries about Climate Change. Now his administration has to figure out what to do with the multibillion- dollar program without crushing a significant sector of the U.S. economy---and while fending off sharp criticism from congressional Republicans and the oil industry, closing pipelines will lead to a loss of thousands of jobs in the midwest and spike energy costs even more in states that can afford it in the least.
The Biden administration doesn't care if people can afford the needed energy at these elevated costs. Instead it is hell bent on making fossil fuel energy so expensive that the equally expensive Green Energy being pushed down our throats will finally seem like a viable option.
For a long time we've heard about how Green Energy can't get a foothold because Fossil Fuels are so subsidized and sell for a falsely low price to the American consumer. It's apparent that the Biden government plans to price Fossil Fuels out of reach of Americans and subsidize Green Energy to take it's place. Meantime we'll have to depend on China, Russia or Africa to sell us the fuels we need.
The Greening policy has recently been evaluated in Strategic Intelligence, a public tutorial edited by Jim Rickards. We hope this summation will have a valuistic impact on the Biden agenda.